Internet pioneers, Wong Fu Productions, took a giant step forward with their first feature film, “Everything Before Us.” The Geek Lab spoke with filmmakers Wesley Chan and Philip Wang, writer Chris Dinh and producer Christine Chen. We spoke about the transition from web video to the big screen and their unique brand of storytelling.
I’ve been a professional improvisor since 1994 and I currently perform with the National Comedy Theater in San Diego. When I first started, improv was just starting to become a popular art form.
I love improv comedy and I believe that anyone can do it. It’s my passion to share what I’ve learned about this art form and elevate the artform.
The concept of “Yes, And” is the foundational principle in improv. The problem is it is one of the most overlooked concepts in improv shows today.
My book takes an in depth look into “Yes, And.” I deconstruct the principle. Show you how we’ve misused it and neglected it. I also show you how to master the principle to improv your improv group and show.
“Yes, And” is the first in a series of books designed to help you produce a short-form improvisation show. Purchase your copy now at Amazon for the low price of $2.99.
William Shatner was on a publicity tour in April 2014 for theatrical release of Shatner’s World. Fathom Events was kind to allow press to interview Mr. Shatner. This is my interview.
They say you have to write 100 scripts before you have a good one. I’m on my way to pushing out 100 bad scripts, but the key is to finish projects. Good or bad, every project must be completed.